Tuesday, May 5, 2009

analog circuit question

short note 2005
1.logarithimic amp..,,2.freqency 2 voltage converter,,,3.voltage controlled osci llator..4.level shifting ckts…
1.cross over distortion….2.constant current source…3.switched mode power supply….4.v-i…&i—v converters….
1.bias compensation…2.precision rectifier…
Push pull amp,,,wien bridge oscillator,,,bridge rectifier,,,clamping ckt,,,transistor can act as a switch,,,
Operational amp…differential amp..
2003….draw d differential amp ckt diagram using BJT & obtain d expression 4 its differential voltage gain???
Wat is d significance of CMRR in differential amp???enlist d charectiristic of an ideal op amp??draw d block diagram showing different stages of an op amp????virtual grnd??logarithimic amp/???
Obtain d expression 4…1.short ckt current gain..2. fT(T suffix) 4 a CE amp using hybrid I-I(pie ) model??
D following low parameters r known 4 a given transistor at room temp & at Ic(c suff)=10 mA & Vce =10V hie =500ohm : hoe=4 x 10^-5;hfe=100;hre=10^-4
(cont)At same operating pt fT=50Mhz Cob=3pF.compute d value of all hybrid I-I (pie) parameters…
3.wat r d criteria of good instrumentation amp????draw d ckt dia of instrumentation amo using a transducer bridge..explain its operation,,,,
3.wat r d disereble properties of an ideal OPAMP????explain d operation of basic differential amp????
Describe d steps 4 building of ins amp 4m d basic diff amp????
4.draw d ckt dia of a voltage 2 cur converter & explain its operation?????
2005….8.a. wat is Miller Effect???b.when it is a factor 2 take into consideration???c.wat effect does it have on high frequency gain??
b.Draw d current Mirror ckt& explain it’s operation??c.Why Willson current source is better than d current mirror ckt????
7.a. wat r d merits of SMPS over regulated power supply????b.with d help of neat ckt dia briefly explain d operation of a SMPS????c..Numerical transistor shunt regulator…
1.a .Draw & explain in ckt which uses a diode 2 compensate 4 changes i>in VBE ii>in ICO..
Explain d conseqense of Early Effect (base width modulation)….
2.a. wat is non linear distortion????why does such distortion occur in amp????
b.explain why even harmonies r not present in a push –pull amp…c.a single turn transistor amp used 2 ampfy modulate RF carrierof 600KHz& band width of 10khz.d ckt has a total o/p rest of 20kohm…Cal d value of inductance & capacitance of a tuned ckt????


Rajkumar Roy said...

ye WBUT ka book se jhapa hua hai..........hai na abhilash !!!!!!!!! but a good work dude !!!!!!!!!

abhilash said...

ya for a university question need a source .that is my source. thanks for ur comment . i hope you come again.